Monday, June 15, 2015

I Confess, I'm NOT Perfect

     This last Sunday at church, a sister said something that hit me, "Throughout the years I've learned that I don't need approval from anyone else. As long as the Lord approves of what I am doing, I am doing what I'm supposed to." I've been thinking about it all day. How many of us look at each other and think, "That mom has it all together. Why am I failing?" I do all the time. 
     In my house, dishes are always piling up, I'm constantly digging through the laundry baskets trying to find some clean underwear, my front room should have a "DISASTER" sign posted. And it's not because I'm  off playing with the kids or out doing some kind of service. Somedays I just want to sit down and watch some Netflix.  But at the end of the day, I look back and see how much I didn't do. Even on days like today, I did dishes this morning (10 Points!), Started some laundry (10 Points!), remembered to move that laundry into the dryer (20 Points!!!), I stripped beds and got that laundry started (10 Points!), made the beds that I have another set of sheets (10 Points!). Hey I got at least 50 Points today! But wait... 
     After I made my bed, coconut juice got spilled on it. The bed had to be re-stripped (Not my fault, why am I upset?) and I haven't transferred our sheets into the dryer (Oh... That's why I'm upset. -10 Points). Putting the kids to bed, I realize that the two beds that don't have another set of sheets didn't make it out of the dryer, so the boys have to sleep on a blanket over their mattresses (-10 Points). Dishes didn't get done after lunch or dinner (-20 Points). The carpet under the table hasn't been vacuumed for the last two days and can't be done now that the kids are in bed (-20 Points, 10 per day). And that's not all that's gone through my head from the time I said good night to the kids to when I turned on the laptop. I'm at -60 Points... 
     So going back to this last Sunday, I decided that I can't compare myself to other women, even my mom, who seemed to have the house in perfect order all the time. Heavenly Father knows, I tried, maybe not my hardest, but I'm still trying. I'll do a little bit more tomorrow and forget about all the negatives of today. SO, what I'm going to do is:
     After I made my bed, coconut juice got spilled on it. The bed had to be re-stripped (Not my fault, why am I upset?) and I haven't transferred our sheets into the dryer (Oh... That's why I'm upset. -10 Points). Putting the kids to bed, I realize that the two beds that don't have another set of sheets didn't make it out of the dryer, so the boys have to sleep on a blanket over their mattresses (-10 Points). Dishes didn't get done after lunch or dinner (-20 Points). The carpet under the table hasn't been vacuumed for the last two days and can't be done now that the kids are in bed (-20 Points, 10 per day). And that's not all that's gone through my head from the time I said good night to the kids to when I turned on the laptop. I'm at -60 Points... 
     Tomorrow I am starting over. And what I get done is what I get done.
The End

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